With your permission I intend to do an article about your epic trip in the magazine

Hi there, I am editor of a local society magazine which is aimed at people interested in Aviation in Yorkshire, UK. We print a comprehensive monthly report of the movements at Leeds/Bradford. I noticed your aircraft had visited the airport in May this year and on finding it had been from and to the USA which is quite unusual so I decided to delve a little further and cam across your website. With your permission I intend to do an article about your epic trip in the magazine and hoped I would be able to use some of the photographs of your blog if that ok with you? If you have any comments about your short visit to Yorkshire they would be most welcome. Thank you for your time and if you would care to send me a forwarding address I will gladly send you a copy of the mag when it is published. Look forward very much to hearing from you, Cheers for now, Trevor Smith

Hi Trevor,

Sounds like your article would be fun to read from your perspective. As you know, I was quite displeased with the lack of service in Leeds by the MultiFlight Cessna dealership.

My brief comment about my visit to Yorkshire is simply that after arriving at IFR minimums into the airport and having called ahead for help at MultiFlight with my ailing NavData and need of an oil change…they did nothing for a couple of guys who just flew the North Atlantic. There was one lovely chap who was one of their helicopter pilots, I believe named Chris, that offered us significant navigational assistance.

Personally, I think MultiFlight was afraid to even look at my Garmin 1000 glass panel.

Please ask what specific pictures you would like to use and I will be glad to give you permission for those. I would like the site or me or both to be credited for the pictures used.

I have given you my address under separate email.

