Archive for February, 2010

Stop two Loreto, Mexico where we would spend the first night.

We made our way down the west side of the Sea of Cortez to a lovely town called Loreto. This would be our first overnight at the newly restored  Mission Hotel. The Mission was quite nice with beautiful accommodations.

The next morning Mark, Sue and I would fly in formation for the 123 mile crossing of [...]

First stop Ensenada, Mexico with “mucho papeles” or much paperwork

Sorry, but since I had to learn a little Spanish I feel it nice to pass it along.
Mucho papeles would almost be the perfect name for this journey, in my case mucho papeles missing.
Anyway, we all landed safely in Ensenada, Mexico where the paperwork began. I signed so many documents that I wasn’t sure if [...]

So began my solo adventure from Los Angeles to the Panama Canal and back

To tell the truth, I have some trepidation crossing into Mexico and beyond to Central America.
Will my plane be stolen, will I get sick, will I have fun? As in all my adventures in life, this one requires that I act in spite of my fear.
I met Mark and Sue Harrison, “The Harrisons” as they [...]